Featured Photo (above): The city of Kyle wants to redevelop a city-owned parcel adjacent to the historic downtown district. The city hopes part of the envisioned mixed-use redevelopment will reflect Kyle’s reputation as “the pie capital of Texas.” Image: Google Streets
Posted: 1-27-20
By Edmond Ortiz
Kyle (Hays County)— The city of Kyle has issued a call for statements of interest and qualifications for a developer who might be interested in a city-owned parcel to add new mixed-use space in downtown.
The city owns a .45-acre tract at 104 S. Burleson St. and wants to partner with a company to develop a commercial building on the edge of the historic district.
“As a partner in this economic development initiative, the city is interested in supporting the deal through the most appropriate mechanisms,” the RFP states. VBX members may track this prospective project using ID number: 2020-0AC6.
According to the RFP document, the city is open to various ways the land could contribute and best suit the prospective development partner.
That developer will need to demolish the existing vacant house on the lot and build a new multi-story facility and supporting hardscapes and utilities.
The developer would need to propose a structure whose architecture complements the designs of the nearby existing buildings.
At a minimum, the ground floor of the new building must be kept to destination entertainment/dining/retail uses.
The structure should include outdoor seating for the main floor tenants. Upper floors may be limited to any use suitable to the downtown district, including office or residential space.
According to the RFP, preference will be given to possible partners that assure any tenant of the main floor support the city’s trademark moniker “Pie Capital of Texas” in some way.
“Ideas include a mix of uses and tenants such as a microbrewery/restaurant that sells a pie-themed/flavor beer, or perhaps a restaurant that also sells deep fried pies for dessert,” the document states.
Proposals will be evaluated on the strength of supporting the brand. The developer will be expected to cover the construction costs associated with building. It should match the current area architectural model (multi-story brick) and the designs and elevations will need to City Council approval.
Local officials are hopeful the tenants of the new building will collectively contribute to Kyle’s branding as a regional tourist destination.
Statements of interest and qualifications are due by 12 p.m. Feb. 28 at the office of the city manager, 100 W. Center St. The council will consider the evaluated responses at the closest regular meeting.